Output ID: This is a system generated identification number for the output. This is used as a command line parameter when creating automatic outputs. (See the section on
Automatic outputs). It is read-only.
Description: Enter a description for this output.
Base output: Select a base output (template) type from the dropdown list.
Printer: The virtual printer to get the data from.
Query: Select a query for filtering the output from the dropdown list. These are the queries you have saved from the main log window. Common queries could be :
If you want the past 2 weeks logs (date > today() - 14)
All the engineering group (Group = Engineering)
A particular user for the last 30 days (username = jsmith AND date > today() - 30)
Sort Order: The order to sort the logs in the output. The easiest way to do this is to set a sort order in the logs view, then click on the I button next to the sort order entry box to import the current sort order.
Some output by their nature need a predefined sort order. If this is the case then the sort order entry box will be disabled.