Edit groups

Edit groups

Allows you to change group titles and change group membership.

1 . Group descriptionGroup description

Group description The title of the group. This should be something meaningful such as Engineering or Accounts.

2 . Group supervisorGroup supervisor

Group supervisor The person who is in control of this group. Printer alerts are sent by default to this person. This field is optional

3 . EmailEmail

Email The email address of the group supervisor. This is read only, and must be set when you edit the supervisors user description.

4 . Members of this groupMembers of this group

Members of this group The people who belong to this group. To add members to a group , click and drag users into the group from the 'other people' list.
To remove members from a group , click and drag users from the group into the 'other people' list.
You can also assign people into groups from the 'people' edit window.

5 . Other peopleOther people

Other people Everyone who is not in this group.

6 . account codeaccount code

account code
A charge account code associated with this group.

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