

This is the configuration page for the Printer Squirrel Web interface service. If you change any of these parameters you must stop and restart the Printer Squirrel Web interface service for the changes to take effect. In XP (Control panel/ Administrative tools/ Services)

1 . Web portWeb port

Web port
If your web port is 80, you just need to point your browser URL to the server with the web interface service installed. If you choose another web port, you will need to specify the port in the URL eg if your listen port is 88 your URL might be something like or prnserver.lygil.com:88
Naturally that port must be open if you have a firewall on the web server.

2 . Restrict IPRestrict IP

Restrict IP
Restrict IP allows you to restrict the incoming IP address to only one machine for security. By default this is turned off.

3 . Username and passwordUsername and password

Username and password
Sets the username and password for logging in on the browser. These are set to admin / admin by default.

4 . Refresh intervalRefresh interval

Refresh interval
Refresh interval sets the printers view refresh rate, so that the printer status, jobs in queue etc are up to date. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED

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